This is the view from the deck of Luxurious Empire Estates suites at Vidanta Nuevo Nayarit. Beachside Rentals Available - At Vidanta's High-End Mexican Resort Network Select locationAcapulcoEast CapeMazatlanNuevo NayaritPuerto PenascoPuerto VallartaRiviera MayaSan Jose Del CaboThe BON Entertainment Park Select floorplan1 Estates1 Loft Residences1 Empire Estates1 Emperor's Villa1 Luxxe Loft1 Luxxe Villa1 Grand Bliss1 DeLuxxe1 Luxxe Suite Royal1 Luxxe Jr. Villa1 Luxxe Suite Condo1 Presidential1 Grand Mayan1 Mayan Palace2 Loft Park Terrace2 Estates2 Cascades2 Empire Estates2 Emperor's Villa2 Loft Residences2 Luxxe Villa2 Luxxe Suite Condo2 DeLuxxe2 Luxxe Suite Royal2 SPA Tower2 Grand Bliss2 Presidential2 Grand Mayan2 Mayan Palace3 Emperor's Villa3 Estates3 Loft Residences3 Presidential3 SPA Tower3 Presidential Loft4 Estates4 Empire Estates4 Emperor's Pavilion4 Emperor's Villa4 Residences