
Welcome to Aimfair.com Forums

Already subscribed to Aimfair.com? Tap the link below (OWNERS FORUM) to view Member Posts.


As a reminder, we are all neighbors, and by clicking on OWNERS FORUM, above you agree to be civil to others and adhere to your personal codes of good conduct. Enjoy and have fun!

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Our goal was to create a place where Grand Luxxe Residence Club members could freely exchange ideas, reviews, alerts and generally enjoy interacting with each other.

We started the Owners Forum on October 8, 2008, when we posed a question about the Bliss. Darcy provided a very complete description of the Grupo Mayan hierarchy of resorts and where the Bliss fit into the hierarchy. Others participated in the conversation, including MikenK. We used a "bulletin board" of sorts. Since its beginning, the Owners Forum has done a yeoman's job.

During the past year, viewership of Aimfair.com has increased, which is great news to us because it means the objectives of Aimfair.com are being met. Since the first post in October, 2008:
  • Number of Topics and responses - 2,467
  • Number of times viewers read the Topics and responses - 520,967
Although viewership is not large by Facebook standards, it is increasing. It means a growing number of us who want the ability to report, answer, suggest, comment on and just read about topics fellow owners of Grand Luxxe timeshare interests are thinking about.
The increased activity on and complexity of Aimfair.com brings to mind an observation made by Gary III, who is an early follower of Aimfair.com. He warned that we should be careful because the site may implode due to increased activity and increasing amount of information offered. Great observation!

To meet the needs and requests left on our viewer Feedback Page, we have moved to a new platform. Our flexibility and scalability have increased many fold because of this move. For example, we now have the ability to initiate forums for more than one area of interest. A good example is the interest in the Grand Bliss. We are now able to create a forum for any qualified and supported area of discussion.

Additionally, many viewers want to share information with links to other pages on the Internet. These can now be embedded with a post or response to a post.

Finally, photos can be shared as well. Therefore, if it is easier to describe an issue visually than by words alone, photos can now be uploaded as part of a post. With all the mobile devices out there, just think of the restaurant reviews we may see. Maybe restaurant reviews would be a great idea for a new forum.

The bottom line is Aifmair.com has risen to a new level of service, which Mary Ann and I feel will be loads of fun and will serve our collective needs for years to come.
Aimfair.com has become a community; we call it a neighborhood. As such, users of the Aimfair.com Owners Forum have been respectful and adhered to their personal codes of conduct that are exemplary.

Privacy has always been an issue, however.

A new change to our format addresses the issue of privacy and conduct. The Owners Forum is now a premium level of viewership on Aimfair.com, which means viewers will agree to subscribe to Aimfair.com in order to participate in the forums. By doing so, they become one of our "neighbors".

The benefit of this change is the forum is vastly improved over the earlier version. Improvements include:
  • The forums are available to subscribers only, who are all part of the same community, which makes them more private than before.
  • The forums are more flexible and allow for the exchange of both written posts and posts with images.
  • Subscribers can now embed links directly to their posts.
  • More than one forum can operate concurrently, which adds a level of focus that the original format could not offer.
How To Use The Forums:
  • Simple. First, become an annual subscriber to Aimfair.com.
  • Then, agree to the Terms of Conduct, which you do by clicking on enter forums link below.
  • Then, select the forum you that wish to view and contribute your thoughts.
Currently, only the Owners Forum is active. Just send an email to [email protected] with "New Forum Request" in the subject line. We will take your request into consideration.
Yes, starting in June 2009, we did transfer prior posts in the original Owners Forum to the new Owners Forum. The new Owners Forum will begin its days with an enormous amount of history and reference for everyone to view.

Click here to enter our newly formatted Owners Forum. Note, by choosing to enter our forums, you agree to be civil to other forum members and adhere to your personal code of good conduct. Enjoy and have fun!