Let's Get Together: Thursday, Novmeber 12, 2015 - 4:30 PM

November 9, 2015

Just arrived at the new entry point for taxis.  Huge, and it will accommodate big crowds during the Holidays.
Just arrived at the new entry point for taxis. Huge, and it will accommodate big crowds during the Holidays.

The waiting area is comfortable and airy.  Although we were lucky to get on a shuttle right away, others shared their wait times were 15 to 30 minutes.
The waiting area is comfortable and airy. Although we were lucky to get on a shuttle right away, others shared their wait times were 15 to 30 minutes.

You are invited! Let's get together for a gathering of existing Aimfair members, prospective members and interested parties and friends.
  • Place: Tower 1 - Outside Lobby Bar Seating Area
  • Venue: No Host
  • Happy Hours: 4 PM to 5 PM - We can order up to 5 PM and qualify for the 2 for 1 opportunity. Milling, discussing, chatting, catching up extends beyond the Happy Hour time frame.
  • Format: Casual attire. Come from the beach or pool if need be.
  • Adjenda: Introductions to one another and then open forum.
We started this tradition in 2010 and it is still an enjoyable event. Grand Luxxe Residence Club members, Aimfair members, friends of both and members of other Vidanta resorts are free to join in the fun. Become acquainted with some really nice people who live in distant places, learn what others are saying about their experiences, discuss what brought you to Nuevo Vallarta and feel free to just listen. It is a fun group, and some have come to every gathering since 2010.

FYI, one of the subjects that is bubbling to the top is the shuttle issue and the time it may take to take a taxi off campus. The steps are as follows:
  1. Catch a shuttle to the Santuario.
  2. Walk to the former taxi consolidation area at the other end of the Santuario.
  3. Take a shuttle to the other end of the new taxi consolidation area closest to the entrance to the resort.
  4. Receive your taxi assignment from there.
How much time will all of this take? Not sure because we arrived last evening. But we are now embarking on a trip off campus and will chronicalize the experience.
So, for those who are here in Nuevo Vallarta, let's get together Thursday. Love to see you all. For those who are not quite so lucky, stay tuned, as we will have lots to report.
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