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Generosity of Aimfair Members and Freddy's Friends

December 4, 2021

In less than thirty days, Freddy's friends and Aimfair Members raised more than the $6,000 US goal of the GoFundMe campaign to help Freddy pay for his wife's cancer treatments. This is an exceptional example of kindness!

During the campaign, an Aimfair member brought to our attention another act of kindness. Here is his story:

What a very caring effort you both have made to help Freddy Knox and his wife!

I would like to share with you a similar effort I made last February when my wife and I were at Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta. While there, I noted that Sr. Oscar Aguilar, who has a craft shop near the Grand Mayan water slide where he sells had-made jewelry, appeared to be in need of a reconditioned wheelchair as the one he was using was in very poor shape and nearly beyond repair and in need of prompt replacement before his chair collapses on him.

With the help of Karina de la Rosa of the Vidanta Customer Care Center, I was able to send him $275 via Western Union and he shortly thereafter received the money and was able to buy a reconditioned wheelchair. He was personally very thankful and we look forward to seeing him when we are at Vidanta NV in January.

Please, I want no recognition for this story of my gift to Oscar; his thank-you was welcome enough. On the other hand, I mention Karina de la Rosa and the Customer Care Center as perhaps another possible source of help in providing care to other Vidanta employees.
It is truly wonderful to find kindness in many places you don't expect. After all, kindness is something we all have to give, and sometimes we forget how important it actually is!

Thank you all for your generosity and kindness. Let's keep spreading it all over!!!