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Help Freddy

Freddy Knox and his wife need your help.

October 23, 2021

Freddy Knox is a 20 year veteran with Grupo Vidanta. He spent a number of years in sales until he moved into the Customer Care department. There he found his calling to help people through the challenges of Vidanta contract ownership. After a couple of years as a Customer Care agent, he suggested the company form a VIP Concierge service. The company liked the idea moved him into a new position. He has been working in that position for the past five years.

During the last three years, Freddy's wife has battled cancer. Progress was being made until the pandemic hit in 2020. The combination of reduced tourism that negatively affected Vidanta and a change for the worse in Freddy's wife's condition have created very difficult circumstances for Freddy and his ability to continue paying mounting medical bills.

We did not know Freddy had to leave Vidanta and move to his wife's home town north of Mexico City until a Facebook post indicated Freddy was no longer the point person for the VIP Concierge services. We reached out to Freddy and heard his desperate story. He needs help paying his rising medical bills.

Given he has been such a helpful person to those of us who worked with him at Vidanta, we decided to form Go Fund Me page so Aimfair Members and other members of Vidanta can give back by sending gifts in his behalf. The goal is to reach $6,000. Generous Aimfair members have already contributed nearly $1,000, so we are on our way.

Please give what you can to help Freddy cover his mounting medical expenses. Tap the following link to be taken to our Go Fund Me Page: Your generosity is greatly appreciated.