Website Adjustments - Just To Keep You Informed

August 14, 2011

Please be patient with us.

Curt brought to our attention an error when he posted a comment on the Forum. It is an infrequent error, but annoying and recurring. We have traced it down and are working to eliminate it. It turns out this is an issue that has appeared on other Wiki Forums as well.

Our Internet Service Provider (ISP) upgraded software that may have affected our page loading speed, or lack thereof. This issue is especially noticeable when one tries to load large pages, such as Current News. So, we are looking into the issue to improve our speed.

Speaking of large pages and slow loads, we are addressing the size of large pages by breaking them into smaller parts (usually by date) and creating systems that help servers present the pages more quickly. So, we are in the process of breaking Current News articles down by date and creating a page for each date. Plus we are bringing older posts from 2010 because to complete referenced links. Photos associated with those posts will be moved over too. Once we finish Current News, we will do the same thing for the other sections too.

This is a big job, but we hope the end result will be worthwhile biggrin.

Many, many people have contributed to make it the content rich site that it is. We are very grateful to all who continue to view, support and contribute to the site.

A Big Thank goes out to you to all from both of us - Bob and Mary Ann!!
