Happy New Year!!

January 2, 2010

Yes, we know, its a day late. But we wanted everyone to recover from their late night or early morning. Believe, us, we know what it was like at 1:30 AM on January 1, 2011.

First, we would like to welcome everyone to our new platform. Some of you are familiar with the original site, while some may be first timers.

We share lots of great information here, contributed by the many people who enjoy their stays at one of the seven cities in which Gurpo Vidanta operates properties. Sharing is what we are all about here,

Dave has given us all the wonderful photos from the air and the Sand Bar. Also, we are just now getting through the many wonderful photos Charles and his family provided us. Also, Examples appears below:

Grand Luxxe from New Sandbar

Thank you Dave...

Thank you Dave...

Grand Luxxe Interior at night

Thank you Charles...

Grand Mayan Resort from Grand Luxxe Bridge Nov 25 2010

Thank you Charles...

Grupo Vidanta Resorts from the Ameca River Sand Bar Nov 25 2010

Thank you Charles...

During the next month or so, we will be introducing a site map to make navigation a bit easier. There is a lot of information available to everyone, and more will be on the way as we learn about new programs and offers.

Also, we have many other photos and comments that are coming from everyone...."what about whale watching"...photos from Mazatlan's Sea Garden...excursions to the Marieta Island....horse back riding.....all fun things to do. Maybe zip lining or cross country biking?

Charles R has provided us with a wealth of photos that we will be posting over the next several weeks. Thank you, Charles for giving us all the opportunity to view your world through your images.

Stay tuned, we have lots to see and do in this wonderful new year!

Permalink: https://www.aimfair.com/blogpost27-Happy-New-Year