Vidanta Elegant Outside Suite

The Vidanta Elegant will soon be offering cruises to Mazatlan and back to Puerto Vallarta. Are you ready...?

Vidanta Elegant

The history of Vidanta Elegant and what may lie ahead....Stay tuned....
Vidanta Elegant is the first ship purchased by Grupo Vidanta. Subsqeuntly, the Vidanta Cruise Lines division was formed and a management company is responsible for managing the affairs of the business.

Vidanta Cruises envisions cruises along the Pacific Coast to begin with. Maybe trips will be extended through the Panama Canal to Riviera Maya and Playa del Carmen. Nothing is for sure at this time.

Vidanta members may be able to use weeks in their contracts to pay for trips. The format has not been formalized, or if it has, it has not been made public.

This page contains a list of the articles that have been published over the years that pertain to Vidanta's interest in the cruise buisiness. Check this page for updates.

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Let us know if you have any questions by contacting us at We will respond quickly.


Bob and Mary Ann

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