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Great View....

May 31, 2011

Tomorrow is June 1, which is nearing the official start of summer and about 6 months since someone (Update: Dave and Terrina informed us that, although they would like to take credit for this great photo, they cannot. Who ever did upload this for us all, we thank you.) provided us with this great image of the Nuevo Vallarta property.

Sailing high above the Luxxe and Mayan beach in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico

We have nothing more to say than....Wow! To get the full view, click the small magnifying glass that appears under the lower right hand corner of the photo.

This image will help keep in mind the reason you own your Luxxe or Grand Bliss or Grand Mayan or Mayan Palace contract.

Buildings are, from the left, a condo, Grand Mayan, Grand Bliss, Mayan Palace, Luxxe II, Luxxe I and, under construction, Luxxe Punta.

Yes, Bob and Christina, we know you feel Riviera Maya is the best! Still, this photo is pretty spectacular, don't you think?

Thanks for thinking of us anonymous contributor, who ever you are....