Happy New Year

December 31. 2014

The New Year's Eve celebration was enjoyed by hundreds. A huge open sided tent contained what looked like 80 tables for ten. A center stage offered a place for entertainers to show their stuff, and three big screens televised their artistry so everyone could see. It was truly a great place for a celebration, and the guests who participated were treated royally!

Following are images of days leading up to the New Years Eve Celebration, the party and what we saw as we ushered in 2015.

December 30, 2014 - Preparation for New Year's Eve Celebration
When all was said and done, the beach area looked like a jungle. Plants looked permanent. It was truly a sight to see how the crews made the beach into a colorful and fully planted place.

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Hundreds of plants were planted for the party.  In the end, the beach became a lush jungle.
Hundreds of plants were planted for the party. In the end, the beach became a lush jungle.
This is where the bar at the entrance to the Celebration Tent is located.  You can see the amount of foliage from all the vegetation that was brought in for the party.
This is where the bar at the entrance to the Celebration Tent is located. You can see the amount of foliage from all the vegetation that was brought in for the party.
The Celebration Tent must have held at least 800 guests.  What a party!
The Celebration Tent must have held at least 800 guests. What a party!
The Celebration Tent must have held at least 800 guests.  What a party!
The Celebration Tent must have held at least 800 guests. What a party!
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December 31, 2014 - New Year's Eve Celebration on the Beach
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The Celebration Tent provides all the celebrants with a great place to usher in the New Year!
The Celebration Tent provides all the celebrants with a great place to usher in the New Year!
Big Screens display the entertainers so all celebrants have great views of the show.
Big Screens display the entertainers so all celebrants have great views of the show.
Lights cascade off the ceiling of the tent, giving the venue a warm and welcoming place to enjoy the celebration.
Lights cascade off the ceiling of the tent, giving the venue a warm and welcoming place to enjoy the celebration.
The backside of the tent opens to the beach, where a number of celebrants took time to dance away from the rest of the party.  Very fun!!
The backside of the tent opens to the beach, where a number of celebrants took time to dance away from the rest of the party. Very fun!!
Meanwhile, everyone is having a great time within the Celebration Tent!
Meanwhile, everyone is having a great time within the Celebration Tent!
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January 1, 2015 - New Year's Fireworks - Looking North
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Fireworks from the beach in front of the Mayan Palace Pool were terrific!
Fireworks from the beach in front of the Mayan Palace Pool were terrific!
Not only were the fireworks from the property awsome, displays from other properties were prominent too.
Not only were the fireworks from the property awsome, displays from other properties were prominent too.
Looking north, we can see fireworks displays from many properties.
Looking north, we can see fireworks displays from many properties.
The backside of the tent opens to the beach, where a number of celebrants took time to dance away from the rest of the party.  Very fun!!
The backside of the tent opens to the beach, where a number of celebrants took time to dance away from the rest of the party. Very fun!!
Fireworks from the beach in front of the Mayan Palace Pool were terrific!
Fireworks from the beach in front of the Mayan Palace Pool were terrific!
Not only were the fireworks from the property awsome, displays from other properties were prominent too.
Not only were the fireworks from the property awsome, displays from other properties were prominent too.
What fun!
What fun!
We could see for miles!
We could see for miles!
And the fireworks just kept on coming!
And the fireworks just kept on coming!
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January 1, 2015 - New Year's Fireworks - Looking South
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Fireworks shows in Puerto Vallarta and Marina Vallarta were terrific as well.  This photo was taken from the end of the Punta Tower.  What a view!
Fireworks shows in Puerto Vallarta and Marina Vallarta were terrific as well. This photo was taken from the end of the Punta Tower. What a view!
The fireworks shows continued for fifteen minutes per location.  Some locations started before others, so the show lasted for 30 minutes or so.
The fireworks shows continued for fifteen minutes per location. Some locations started before others, so the show lasted for 30 minutes or so.
In addition to the fireworks, lanterns were released.  These floated across the sky for hours.
In addition to the fireworks, lanterns were released. These floated across the sky for hours.
This group of fireworks came from the Marina Vallarta resorts.  Lots of streaming displays and not as many traditional displays.
This group of fireworks came from the Marina Vallarta resorts. Lots of streaming displays and not as many traditional displays.
The Mayan Palace guests had great views of these spectacular displays.
The Mayan Palace guests had great views of these spectacular displays.
Mixing the lighted lanterns with fireworks presents a wonderful light show..
Mixing the lighted lanterns with fireworks presents a wonderful light show..
Wow!  What a show at Marina Vallarta!
Wow! What a show at Marina Vallarta!
One of the only exploding displays from Marina Vallarta.!
One of the only exploding displays from Marina Vallarta.!
What a finale!
What a finale!
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We encourage you to try to spend New Year's in Nuevo Vallarta or Puerto Vallarta. It is well worth the time and expense. Terrific way to usher in the New Year!
Happy New Year Everyone!
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