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Thank You For Your Patience....

March 8, 2012

Yes, we would like to thank you for patiently waiting for us to complete our scheduled maintenance. There have been periods when was not available because of the servicing we performed on our servers and software. For those of you who have encountered our message that the site was unavailable, we thank you for returning. For the rest of you who did not even notice the site was not available, you did not miss a thing.

So, on we go. There are several subjects that we will discuss in the coming days. An important issue to us is continuing to expose scams that persist in our network of Grupo Vidanta contract owners. Another is the issue of safety in Puerto Vallarta and other cities with Grupo Vidanta resorts. Finally, we will discuss the status of construction in Nuevo Vallarta and Riviera Maya, which are the properties where management is spending the lion's share of the company's construction dollars.

As you know, we believe in the age old adage of "a picture is worth a thousand words". If you have photos of your travels to any of the resorts in the Grupo Vidanta network, send the on to us through [email protected] and we will post them for you.

Have a wonderful day.....