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Have You Noticed? Check This Out....

May 16, 2017

Aimfair members have been remarkable sources of information. Scott and Sue returned from a visit to Nuevo Vallarta on June 13, 2010 and sent us a note describing what they learned during their stay.

June 13, 2010

What is fascinating about this post are the references to Cirque du Soleil, the building on the point (The Punta) described as where owners of four weeks will stay, the new resort 15 miles north of San Jose del Cabo (East Cape), and the towers along the Ameca River. The Sales Department was discussing these items and others seven years ago.

The point is we all hear many predictions about future plans, and often times we discard them because they do not seem possible. Also, many predictions are interspersed with plans that change, so determining which are going to come to fruition and which don't is the challenge.

Regardless, based upon Scott and Sue's note, it takes a long time to see results. In addition, there is always disruption on the way because nothing happens instantly and overnight. We can now look back and say to ourselves, yes we heard about these plans but knew there would be changes. And indeed there were....very close to what Scott and Sue reported in their note.

After seven years, we see some predictions become reality. What will the next seven years bring....? We will all....Stay Tuned...