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Hurricane Patricia - Update

October 23, 2015

If all goes well, Puerto Vallarta could be on the fringe of this most powerful storm ever recorded in the Pacific Ocean. Its power is determined by how quickly winds escalated from approximately 85 miles per hour to up to 200 miles per hour. This happened within a 24 hour period, during which Patricia moved from a Tropical Storm to a Category 5 hurricane.

The storm track images show Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo Vallarta could avoid a direct hit. We certainly hope so. Here are images from the website:
  • 3 PM Eastern:
3 PM Eastern Time - Puerto Vallarta remains on the fringe of Patricia's track.
3 PM Eastern Time - Puerto Vallarta remains on the fringe of Patricia's track.

  • 12 PM Eastern:
12 PM Eastern Time - Patricia's track is expanding to include Puerto Vallarta.
12 PM Eastern Time - Patricia's track is expanding to include Puerto Vallarta.

  • 11 PM Eastern:
11 PM Eastern Time - Patricia's track fringe includes  Puerto Vallarta.
11 PM Eastern Time - Patricia's track fringe includes Puerto Vallarta.'s Becky Elliott provides an update to the weather pattern as of approximately 12 PM Eastern Time.

Last evening, shop owners in Puerto Vallarta were preparing for the worse by bording up their windows. Look at that sky...same as in Ray and Betty's photo....

Prepaing for Patricia's Arrival in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Prepaing for Patricia's Arrival in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

The storm is huge. Here is an image provided by

Patricia Covers a Huge Area.
Patricia Covers a Huge Area.

Stay we try to keep you informed....