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Event Specialists International - Site No Longer....

August 28, 2013

We posted a warning about Event Specialists International on September 4, 2012. You can read it by following this link: Event Specialists International

The update is the website is no longer active. Also, we found an energetic and unhappy victim of the fraud. This person is an activist and knows something about websites.

The victim purchased a domain called and posted a recap of the scam. The website has been discontinued, and we do not have a recap.

You may what....! Well, the "what" is this person took the responsibility of taking action against a shadow. This is impressive! If we all did this in one way or another, we not only would be getting the word out, but we also would be encouraging action.

The call to action in these cases is do your due diligence. Ask questions. Make your own demands. Follow the rules for avoiding becoming a send all documents by courier to a physical address, demand that all seller required payments be paid from the proceeds of the sale, do choose your own escrow company, do make sure the company is located where it says it is.

This person lost money to a dishonest scheme. Instead of trying to minimize the loss by doing nothing and moving on, the victim took the positive step to individually post his or her experience in hopes others could gain from it.
To that we say BRAVO! Let's all get involved and take action!