Grupo Vidanta and Cirque du Soleil Announce Plans

Novmeber 12, 2014

Released on November 12 was a joint news release published by Cirque du Soleil NV and Grupo Vidanta that announced plans to construct and operate a"first-of-its-kind" immersive theme park experience in Nuevo Vallarta. The extent of the experience is in development and might include water park and nature park elements as well as an outdoor evening show accommodating 3,000 to 5,000 spectators. The news release appears below:
Cirque du Soleil and Grupo Vidanta Announcement
Cirque du Soleil and Grupo Vidanta Announcement

Although the announcement does not mention the theme used in the past, which is Celebrate Park or Celebration, the proposed concept outlined in the press release certainly corresponds closely with visions expressed in the past by Vidanta personnel.

There is no question that Grupo Vidanta has reached two lofty goals. One is to become a Five Diamond Resort awaded by the American Automobile Association, and the other is to fulfill the dream of developing a theme park off of Highway 200 on the east side of the Nuevo Vallarta property. The Five Diamond Award for 2014 is in hand, and it appears the theme park could be completed in the next four years.
High Fives for all comes the execution phase....stay tuned!
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