Photo Update of Nuevo Vallarta - From Lindsa_M

May 7, 2014

The Santuario is a gathering place in the center of the Nuevo Vallarta property. It is known for its night life and shows. It is also a relaxing place to hang out during the day. Here, we see what Lindsa_m saw during is vacation in April.
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Santuario - Deck Lagoons
Santuario - Sales Level
Next to the Santuario is the parking, taxi pickup and let off and the luggage consolidation area. It is a bit of a walk from the drop-off point through the Santuario to the cart trains, which take you to your unit building.

We heard from Boots on the Ground #1 that Hole #2 will be replaced with a larger parking area. There is more to come...
Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us Lindsa_m. We will all....stay tuned...
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