Restaurants in Nuevo Vallarta

Nuevo Vallarta is becoming known for reasonably priced, quality restaurants that are relatively close to the resorts. Many of these are within walking distance or a short taxi ride. Bucerias is not too far away and offers great eating experiences. In fact the entire area extending south to the Ameca River is becoming known for its restaurants that please everyone from families with children to adults traveling alone or with others. Following are a few links to websites that offer viewer experiences and reviews of a number of great restaurants in Nuevo Vallarta:

Has anyone tried Vallarta Eats? The company offers eating tours. They sound fun. ~~#A94717:If you do go on one of their tours, please share your experience by posting your review on Restaurant Reviews.//| provides a listing of the top 20 rated restaurants in the Nuevo Vallarta area. Check it off and on because favorites change over time.//| lists 38 restaurants in Nuevo Vallarta. Offering you many different restaurant in Nuevo Vallarta, this site will definitely help you experience good Mexican food and an ambiance that you truly deserve!//|#A94717:Ten discussions among ChowHounders provide an interesting view of culinary pursuits in Nuevo Vallarta. This link gives you a number of contact details.//| presents an extensive a list of the best restaurants offer in Nuevo Vallarta. This site gives you a glimpse of the 9 best restaurants that you shouldn